Abby Waller


How to Get More Photography Clients





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As photographers, getting more leads to book more photography clients is always in the front of our minds. Of course we want to grow our businesses and book up our client base so today I am talking all about how to get more leads. 

When you’re reaching out and trying to get new leads, followers, etc. A lot of times you’re putting yourself out there to new people you’ve never reached and you’re marketing to a cold audience. In order to make sure that what you’re putting out there is strategic.

The goal is to warm up those cold audience members so they understand what you do, and who you are to build that trust factor which will eventually lead to sales. 

Learning how to stand out in your market is KEY to this process! I have a guide just for you, grab it here:

1. Pick your platform

It’s easy to get wrapped up in wanting to master every platform available to us. How many of us are on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc? I’m here to tell you that if you’re doing all the things and gaining ZERO traction you need to stop. I’m giving you full permission to stop spinning your wheels. 

The number one thing I did at the beginning of my business in regards to social media platforms was PICK 1. I chose Facebook and spent the first 2 to 2 and half years of my business digging my heels in and figuring out how to maximize my business. After those 2 years I added in Instagram. 

Figure out what it is you need to do on that ONE platform to get the algorithm to boost you into the feeds. The best thing you can do with your time spent on social media is to really understand the platform and use it to your advantage. 

For example…on Facebook you can ask people to share, tag, click a link a lot easier than on Instagram. On Instagram it’s easier to say tag a friend or double tap this post. Knowing what works on the platform will help you out. 

Another tip is to use CALL TO ACTION’S that are relevant to that platform to help boost you

It’s not enough to just show up on the platform everyday. Just showing up for the sake of showing up is honestly a waste of your time. When you show up strategically it’s going to help you to convert your cold followers into people who trust and buy from you. 

Think about… when I first started on Instagram I posted a picture  of a bride with hashtags and geotags it was fine before, but now it doesn’t work that way! 

Which leads me to tip number 2…

2. Interrupt the Pattern of Your Ideal Client

If you want to be up in the algorithm, you need to be able to STOP your ideal client’s pattern. You need to interrupt the pattern of your customer. 

On Instagram… the pattern of your customer is to scroll, scroll, scroll and like once in a while. 

However, if you have content that has a solid caption or picture that grabs their attention it’s going to help interrupt that pattern. Same thing for Instagram Stories. If you’re just showing your face and talking people will click through. Caption your stories, give clear CTA’s, tell them why they need to follow through with the call to action.

In order to break them of their pattern, it has to be really good. You’re getting marketed to all day long and so are your clients. Therefore they’re becoming more desensitized to it. They’re going right through it and not thinking twice about it. We need to stand out, show them that while yes I’m marketing to you, but it’s going to really benefit you! 

As for interrupting their pattern on your website here is what I recommend.

Typically, brides inquire with a few different photographers and they have a pattern. 

First, they scroll the home page, check out the about page, glimpse at the gallery and then eventually put their info in the contact form. 

That is their predictable pattern. You need to give them a CALL TO ACTION to break their pattern. 

For example, if you have something that says “if you’re a bride click here” or “Here are my top 3 blog posts for brides” you will have better luck getting them to stay on your website longer. 

You want to build their excitement of working with you, and having a way to show them you stand out from the crowd through their first interaction with you is KEY. 

The longer they’re on your website they’re going to be more excited about YOU. They will look forward to hearing back from you. 

We need to be able to say “hey hang out here a little longer with me I have something for you!”

If you find that your inquires aren’t booking, head on over to this post to learn why…Why Your Client Inquiries Aren’t Booking

I’d love to know what actionable steps you take after reading this post! Share in the comments below!

Hi, I'm Abby


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