A question I get a lot is ‘what have been your best investments in regards to outsourcing in your business’
I want to share with you how I go about deciding on investments in my business and maximizing their impact.
My first step ALWAYS is to decide if I am making an investment for the Long Term or Short Term. Basically that translates to ‘can I afford this to be longer or short’
I recommend asking yourself “Do I need that money back quickly? How fast do I need to make that back?” If I need to make that back this month then I need to do it in FB ads or Pinterest because these are quick returns.
If I’m okay with not needing to make it back quickly but still maximize my results I would say outsourcing your editing, or hiring an assistant.
Short Term Investments:
When it comes to short term investments my top investment is Facebook Ads. It is a big investment and we spend anywhere from 1k-3k per month. For me, I am okay with spending this because I use it to promote my shop and other educational resources I sell.
If you’re wanting to use it just for your photography business as it relates to gaining more clients you can easily spend a smaller amount like around $5 per day and still have impact. You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars.
Part of my investment with Facebook includes outsourcing someone to set up the ads. Facebook is always changing and it’s not worth my time to always keep tracking the updates. I wanted someone who could dig their heels in and know what they’re doing. In my first year I spent 8-9k total with paying the person.
We made over 30k off that investment. So I am okay with that return. I don’t mind spending the amount of money I need to spend to gain that return.
Long Term Investments:
When I think of long term investments my number one thing hands down… was editing. It was taking too long and held me back. Being able to spend $300 per wedding, I easily made that back times 10 every month for that investment. I was able to gain back so much of my time to focus on other areas of my business such as booking more sessions or creating more content for my shop.
I’d love to hear how this post has helped you and/or what you have found to be your best outsource investment. Comment below!
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