When it comes to getting high-paying clients we can sometimes begin to feel overwhelmed with the process. It feels like you need to re-do everything! From your pricing, packages, website, even processes – but what if I told you that you could start to make that switch with just a few messaging tweaks to your copy?
The truth is, trying to attract clients who value you and will pay your prices can go two ways…

1) You stress for days, re-do everything, question yourself and your decisions 100 times, and become so anxious that you no longer feel confident in your prices
2) You get strategic. You dig deeper into what is already working, you gain more clarity around your offers, you showcase more value, and you show up confident about what you have to offer.
I don’t know about you, but I choose option 2!
Want to know how to make option 2 happen? Here are four quick steps to get started!
Specialize in something and offer it as a signature package or approach-
✅ This works because a signature service or approach feels unique, proven, and it gives you more credibility. Those things combined make your services feel higher-end ( even if you didn’t change your service at all! )
Ditch words like “pricing” and replace it with “experience”
✅ People want to pay for experiences, they don’t want to just hand over money. Keep your client’s focused on what they will receive from you, not what they have to pay.
Use the words ” so that ” to bring more clarity to your services and showcase the value
✅ I help busy moms plan their dream photo session so that they no longer have to put off pictures of their growing family.
This approach helps your clients see why your services, processes, and time are valuable to them. As humans, we tend to be selfish. This means that we want to know what our investment will give us, and this helps your clients see that!
Showcase your expertise in a way that clients will care … again, why does your expertise help THEM!
Here’s an example of what I mean –
❌ Don’t just say “ I have been a photographer for 5 years. “
❌ Don’t just show off publication badges without any details on what they are ( not everyone knows about these publications)
✅ Do say “ After 5 years of shooting weddings, and being published over 20 times, I have learned how to thoughtfully captured your wedding day in a way that highlights the smallest details while tell the story of your day in a way that will flood you with memories each time you see your photos.”
If you are struggling with booking clients who value you, or you are ready to level up how you are showing up within your business, these are 4 messaging aspects I would dig into today in order to help your clients see your true value from THEIR perspective! ( which then leads to clients who are happy to pay your prices! )
Need more help on nailing down your message and showcasing your value?