Can I let you in on a little secret? You can’t convince someone to pay you if you don’t feel confident in your prices.
You have the portfolio, you have taken the courses, you have done the styled shoots, you have the website… you have it all together… Except for your mindset and confidence around people paying you. That’s why I am sharing the 3 money mindsets that hinder your sales below.
I get it, mindset is something most people think “ I don’t have an issue with that”, but the truth is that EVERYONE has mindset blocks in business – even if you don’t know you do! I know mindset is not always fun, it’s not flashy, it’s not something that makes you get really excited but your mindset around your pricing is beyond crucial. It is literally sometimes the missing piece for people to see success.
If you are currently stuck with fear about your price tag if you are stuck wondering if you were offering the right things or if your prices are scaring people away if you are stuck worrying about dead zones or raising your prices, or wishing that you could charge what other people are charging but you just don’t feel like you have what it takes yet to do so – then you are in a mindset block with your prices and we need to fix that.
A bad mindset around pricing will bring your entire business down and hold you back from the success you desire, but confidence in your pricing will level up your business faster than you can ever imagine.
Because of that, we are going to take some time right now to bust through 3 mindset blocks that I know photographers often face!
1. The idea that there isn’t enough room in your market for you to charge what you deserve.
Nope, that’s a lie you are telling yourself. There’s room for you and your prices no matter if you are in a small town or saturated market. – Oh, and yes you can get clients even with cheaper photographers in your area. I want you to remember that you can always sell your services at any price point that you desire. You are the one who is in control of your success, not other people in your market.
2. Being fearful people will think you are “too expensive “.
When you start to fear the worst, you make decisions in your business based on those ideas. You start making decisions based on wanting to be “affordable” yet give clients the world so they can see how great you are, but then you get upset when people ask for discounts. You subconsciously set the stage for this to happen by making decisions out of fear. – And trust me, clients can feel when they think you have wiggle room on your prices.
3. You have listened to too much talk about “dead zones” and you fear that if you dare raise your prices your business will go up in flames.
Let me let you in on a little secret – if you don’t book after raising your prices, it’s not an imaginary dead zone. It’s the fact that you didn’t prepare your business for a price increase. You CAN charge whatever the heck you want and get clients any day of the week if you decide that’s what you’re going to do and create a plan for it.
REMEMBER – you control the success of your business, not your prices.
We want to have total confidence in what it is that we offer and in the price tag we set so that way we can attract those who will see the value.
This is the law of attraction. What you put out is what you’re going to get back, and that cannot be more true when it comes to your confidence in your prices
If you can get your mind right to boost your confidence in your price tags, then your clients will follow in your footsteps and happily pay you for your talents.