Something I always get questions around is “how can I make more sales?” Of course as photographers we want to be able to fill up our sessions, and attract our ideal clients.
The thing is… you need to have a solid strategy in place so that you’re consistently making more sales. Today I’m sharing my top 3 things you need to make more sales in your photography biz!
1. Don’t leave things up to your client
Never leave the ball in your client’s court to make a choice on your services. You want to make sure that you are consistently pushing them towards the next step In booking and making sure you are helping them pick the services or options that will fit their needs the best.
Why shouldn’t you leave It up to your clients to decide on what they need? Because they don’t always know what they need or want and can get overwhelmed and not make a choice, but as a professional, you can steer them In the right direction! A lot of times a little direct can lead to bookings way faster!
2. Map out the process
Map out one process each client goes through when they inquire with you. Then as you work your way through that process with clients, find the weak spots and fix them! The more consistent you can be with each client, the easier it is to spot weak links in your booking, fix them, and create a reliable sales system that converts with ease!
If you are someone who tried new strategies all the time, that could be preventing you from booking! Create a system, stick to it, and strengthen it along the way!
3. Use Psychological Tactics
Using tactics like urgency and incentives can help speed up the booking process and even close sales before clients decide to ” see their other options.”
You should always use these sparingly so as to not overwhelm your buyers but one solid urgency or Incentive tactic can go a long way!
Here are a few quick examples for urgency :
“We only have 5 spots available “
“We only take on 3 clients a month”
“We are closing mini-session sign-ups in 24 hours “
Here are a few incentive tactics –
“The first 3 clients to book get 5 extra photos for free”
” Anyone who books by ___ date gets an extra $50 print credit”
” Book within 72 hours of your inquiry and receive an extra 30 minutes of wedding coverage for free.”