3 Marketing Tips You Can Use Today!
Raise your hand if you have freaked out over the algorithm at any point in the last week ( everyone raises their hand…)
Here’s the deal, I choose to ignore how the algorithm can hurt me and think of the strategic ways I can still get my content out there consistently without overthinking it!
The best way you can market is by being strategic and looking for ways to serve without getting overwhelmed. I’m sharing 3 marketing tips you can easily use today.
1. Pick your platform
Truth – you can gain more traction by using one platform strategically than if you try to use multiple platforms half-way.
My advice is, If you don’t have one platform that you know you can rock and see massive results from – then start there!
Pick your platform, learn it, rock it, get results, then batch schedule your content so you can move onto building the next one!
My business was built on Facebook, and I didn’t have any other social account for a couple of years into my business and still managed to fill my calendar! So pick your platform and dig in your heels to see the results!
2. Invite Your Followers
Try to use each platform in a unique way to promote people to join all of your different platforms to follow you!
If you share the same content to all platforms simultaneously, no one has any reason to follow you on the other platforms.
3. Reshare!
A HUGE mistake photogs make this- they create content once and then never re-share it due to fear that someone already saw it! With the algorithm the way it is, you can easily rotate through your pre-made content repeatedly to keep content flowing without you needing to recreate it! New people will see it each time and even if someone already saw it, it doesn’t matter! They may have forgotten they saw it, decide to look again, or just keep scrolling! No harm was done!
Also, recycle that content throughout your platforms!
EX – If you have a blog post with 5 tips for prepping for your session, share one tip on Facebook, one on IG, and 3 to your email list! This takes that blog post content and re-distributes it in a new way!