Abby Waller


How Many Free Downloads Should You Have?





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When it comes to growing your email list, you have probably heard that you should have free downloads.  

A free download will allow you to attract ideal subscribers and quickly get them onto your email list in exchange for free content like a checklist, video, or action steps towards a goal. 

One big confusion that comes with free downloads is how many free downloads does your business need?

Now, this number is going to vary based upon your business! What do you offer, who is your ideal client, and do you serve one type of client or multiple clients? 

Now let me just say one of my biggest mistakes when I first started my email list was I created a massive amount of free downloads. I am not the only one who has made this mistake; I have heard plenty of others say they made this mistake also.  

Here’s why it’s a mistake… Because there’s usually no strategy behind creating an excessive amount of something. The only thing creating a mass amount of free downloads did for me honestly was exhaust me and allow me to see mediocre results. 

I could have gotten far better results much faster if I had just kept it simple and impactful. 

No matter what your situation may be, here’s a really easy way to approach creating free downloads and knowing how many is enough.

Keep it Simple

First, you should keep it simple and start with one free download. Create one strong download that hits on a pain point of your ideal client and will allow them to be excited when that free download hits their inbox. 

Master your Marketing

Then, once you create that download, become a master of marketing that download and find new ways to get that download in front of your ideal client. Once you have spent a couple of months maximizing that one free download, then you can move on to adding another free download.

Anticipate Your Client Needs

Now the same thing applies here; we want to think about the next step in the process or the next pain point that our ideal client is going to face. Once you know what that next step or next problem is, then create a free download based upon that and repeat the marketing strategy that you did for download one.

You should now have two solid downloads that are both generating a lot of traffic for your email list. Now this is where you can decide if you want to add a third download or continue with the two you have.

Try Split Testing

I don’t believe there is a right or wrong answer here, but I am all for split testing results so I am a fan of having three downloads. Three downloads will give you a solid variety for your ideal clients to pick which download fits their needs and desires the best, and your clients will quickly show you which download is their favorite. 

Once this happens, I recommend making that favorite download the one you promote on a regular basis and make it the one that is front and center. Not only do you have one download that’s front and center, you also are going to have two support downloads that will also generate traffic and be there as a backup just in case someone doesn’t fully connect to the main download you are promoting.

Is There a Right Number?

So, do I believe there is a right or wrong number? No! But I do believe that having at least two or three downloads is going to be a really solid way for you to consistently grow your list, swap-out downloads based upon different seasons in your business, and give your viewers enough variety to feel like they connect with at least one of the downloads.

Just don’t make my mistake and make 20 + free downloads because trust me when I tell you it was a waste of my time – mainly because only a couple of those downloads came out on top ( and yes, they are the ones we still use today! ) 


  • Start with one solid download and become a master at marketing it 
  • Add a second download and repeat the same marketing process from download 1 
  • Decide if a third download is needed to balance out your downloads
  • Look at the stats to see which download is the favorite 
  • Use the favorite download as the main download for your lead generation, and use the other two downloads as the supporting downloads 
  • MISTAKE TO AVOID – Don’t create too many downloads! More downloads do NOT equal more subscribers!

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