Abby Waller


Makin’ Fast Cash in Your Business





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Six-Figure Secrets Guide

19 secrets all of my successful clients know that scale their business to 6 figures and beyond!  

Feeling like you are in a place right now where you could stand to make some fast cash in your business but can’t just go out and book new clients? Whether it be a $100, or even $1,000, these tips can help you gain some fast cash fairly quickly! 

Now let me say this, these tactics shouldn’t all be used at one time! You can easily use a few of these over the course of a month, but we don’t want to overwhelm your buyers or come off as desperate for cash – so pick your tactic and give your audience some time before you try another! 

1- Run a sale on albums, prints, or even canvases 

 I am not usually a big supporter of discounts unless they are for a good reason, but an occasional flash sale is okay in my book! Here are a few things to consider when running a flash sale on your products – 

  • Make sure the sale is FAST! No more than 72 hours! Why? Because urgency is your best friend in getting people to say yes because they don’t want to miss out! If you give people 1-2 weeks to decide, they will either talk themselves out of buying or forget to purchase. 
  • Give them a reason why you are offering the sale! Why? Because it shows them that discounts aren’t normal and they should take advantage of it! For example – “ Our Mother’s Day Sale to Celebrate All Moms” “ Holiday Sale for the Perfect Christmas Gifts ” 
  • Discount a few options – not all! We don’t want to overwhelm your buyers with 10 sale options, Pick 3-4 top buyers and discount them! Doing this will help them decide what they want much easier! Discount full galleries! 

2 – Discount full galleries! 

Do you allow clients to pick their favorite images from the gallery but then the rest just sit on a hard drive for years? Offer to re-upload their galleries so they can select more images for a discounted price! A Lot of times, given a choice to buy more images they will say yes because they are seeing images and memories they forgot about and become re-attached to them! 

( Obviously, this only works though if you limit the number of images clients get at sessions ) 

3 – Offer to share your knowledge!

Offer mentoring sessions, offer to help someone learn to edit, offer to help moms learn to take better photos of her kids, offer lessons on using manual mode… What are the special talents you have that you can help someone else with? 

You can do these virtually, in person, create a training, or host a group workshop! 

4 – Host a Mini Session or a Pay What You Can Session 

I don’t recommend making these a common occurrence but when in a tight spot, I think a pop-up mini session or pay what you can sessions are a great way to make fast cash! 

  • What is a “pay what you can session”? This is a type of session where you offer to show up and shoot, and in exchange they “ pay what they can” and it reflects the type of session they receive! ( At least this is how I would set it up!) 

EX – $100 gets them a 10 minute session and 5 images. $150 gets them 20 minute sessions and 10 images. $195 session gets them 30 minutes and 20 images. 

They can find an option in their price point but still guarantees you make money that you feel is worth your time 

5 – Offer gift cards! 

This is a great tactic for around mother’s day, holidays, or even before you raise prices! You can let people buy a session for themselves or a gift for someone else for a slightly discounted price now, and then they have 6 months to use it! It is an easy way to make some fast cash, just don’t give it away for a price that won’t be worth your time if they re-deem it 6 months from now! 

Alright guys! There ya go! There are 5 quick and simple ways to make some fast cash right now in your business if things are feeling strapped or you need some extra cash for a purchase! 

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Six-Figure Secrets

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