Is Your Website User Friendly | Abby Waller Photography
Abby Waller


Is Your Website User Friendly?





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In today’s world people want information quickly and easily, and that means having a user friendly website! Did you know that it is actually best to only make your client click three buttons from the time they land on your page until the time they inquire with you?

Is Your Website User Friendly | Abby Waller Photography


Did you know that your website may not be as user friendly as you’d think it is? Since we design our own websites a lot of times we actually don’t realize how difficult they may be for our potential clients to operate, which may be hurting your chances of inquiries and bookings!


In today’s world people want things quickly and easily, they don’t want to have to click around to find answers or be redirected to other pages. They want things fast and efficiently and if they can’t find what they want easily they will probably move on. So what does that mean for you and your website? That means we want everyone to find what they are looking for within 3-4 click MAX!  


Okay, I know you may be thinking 3 clicks is hardly anything to get a good look at my website but here is the reality, most clients don’t actually go through your full website until they have pricing back from you! When they land on your page they will skim through, maybe read your about page, look at the images quickly in your portfolio, look for a starting price point, then inquire! Once they have heard back from your with prices and they know they can afford it, that’s when they really dig into your site to make sure it is a good fit. Think about it, why would a client invest 15-20 minutes looking through your entire website without even knowing if they can afford you? They aren’t invested in you or your services YET, so we need to get them to where they are invested before they will dive in!


So what does that mean for your website and how do you fit all the good info into 3-4 clicks? It’s easy! Think about it as you are leading your client through a process that ultimately leads them to inquiring with you!


When your potential client lands on your website more than likely they will land on your home page! As soon as they land on this page take a split second to introduce yourself and show an image of yourself so they can make a personal connection with you! This will help build a connection immediately!  Then you want the rest of your home page to clearly show all of your offerings throughout the page with a mini explanation of each! This will allow your client to select which offering they are in need of and make their way to that page easily!


So let’s say your client is a bride, once she clicks off of the home page you want to send her to a page for brides! You want this page to have ALL of the info she will need to make a choice on if she inquires or not! Offer her a portfolio on that page, reviews from past clients, a step by step booking process, an average price point, and a button to contact you! Once she scrolls through all of the info provided you want her to finish by seeing the contact button so she can make that second click that takes her to your contact form.


From there she will fill out the form and make her third and final click on the submit button!


See, I told you it was easy! Three simple clicks and your client got the info they MUST have to inquire! Now when they return to your page they will be more than willing to take those extra clicks to read your blogs, view portfolios, and all of the other info you have on your website because they will be invested in you and your business!


This is one of the easiest and most overlooked piece of the puzzle when it comes to creating great websites! Clients love things that are easy and laid out in a way that helps guide them through what they need to see in order for them to feel like they can make an informed decisions. By sending them from place to place, it can be hard for a client to follow along and remember all of the info they are consuming so we want to consolidate it into one place! Remember, your website doesn’t just serve you but it serves your clients as well so we need to keep them at the front of mind when creating new options on our websites!


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