Abby Waller


How I Made $2,300 While on Vacation – With NO Cell Phone Service!





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How I Made $2,300 While On Vacation With No Cell Service #passiveincome #photographer #business


Yep you read that title correctly, I made $2,300 in passive income earlier this year while on vacation without cell phone service! – and I am going to teach you exactly how I did it so you can too!


Now let’s back up here and let me explain how that happened…


Back in February I decided that I was ready to start adding different streams on income into my business, ones that would allow me to make money even when I was sleeping or on vacation!

Truthfully I was a little skeptical that it would actually work for me because I don’t have a huge following like so many others who talk about passive income. At that time I had a little over 2,000 instagram followers and an email list of a few hundred – nothing groundbreaking at all! I got to work though on polling my audience, creating an online shop, and learning how to sell products without “selling”.


After about 3.5 months of the shop being live, and after adding a few affiliate marketing programs to my website, we were off on vacation! I knew going in that my cell phone service would be minimal, if I even got any at all, and wifi access may or may not be available.


I prepped in advance with a few scheduled social media posts and left the rest to my Facebook Ads and website shop knowing that sales would come through while I was away! Every once in a while I would see a sale had come through thanks to some wifi connections but I wasn’t tracking them close enough to really know what was coming in.


When I returned home, I opened my bank account to see I had made a little over $2,300 while I was away! I was SHOCKED! I was shocked that I could make that kind of money without pushing sales and that I could make that kind of money while being on vacation and disconnected!


Now if you are sitting there saying “ That’s great Abby, but I could never do that”…


Let me just stop you right there because YOU CAN! When this happened I had NO fancy marketing plan, NO fancy sales funnel, NO promotional emails that were sent out, I just had a simple strategy that WORKED!


The Best part is… YOU CAN DO IT TOO!


If you would of told me back in February when I started looking into Passive Income that I would be writing this blog post today I wouldn’t of believed it -mostly because I thought my audience was too small to generate that kind of income and I am not someone who likes pushing my products 24/7! Plus, I had no clue on what to offer or who would even buy from me!


While it took some trial and error with setting up and creating content, I launched my online shop and began making money within 3 minutes of my launch and a total of $1,987 in just 7 days!


Just image what it would be like to open your email and see you made an extra $200 while you were sleeping! Think about being out to dinner and getting a notification that you just earned back the $30 you just spent! Or how about, being on vacation and coming home to an extra $2,300 in your account! – All three of these have happened for me and they can happen for you also!


Now here is some exciting news! 


I am hosting a FREE 5 Day Passive Income Challenge that will teach you exactly how I went through the process of adding passive income into my business! I will break it down step by step and be there to answer questions along the way with Daily Facebook Lives! No matter what type of business you run you can always find ways to add passive income to your business and trust me, we will find them for you!


Here is a breakdown of what you will learn over these 5 days…


Day 1 – Learn how to decide what products to promote/create that fit perfectly into your business model!

Day 2- Learn how to map out the creation of products! This step may seem daunting, but the actual creation process can be easy and it doesn’t have to all fall on your shoulders!

Day 3 – Learn how to sell products without coming off as pushy or salesy! Learn how to organically drive traffic to your products in a way that makes your customers ready to buy!

Day 4 – Learn how to create a strong following around your offers so OTHERS help you promote them and why your audience size doesn’t matter!

Day 5 – You’ll get the exact strategy I used to make $1,987.00 in my first 7 days!


Are you ready to start adding MORE income into your business without you actually having to work every day for it?  – I mean honestly, who wouldn’t be ready for that?


Click here to join the 5 Day Passive Income Challenge and learn how to transform the way you make money!


Hi, I'm Abby


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Tired of ghosted inquiries? The Follow-Up Flow email stack gives you proven, ready-to-use follow-up emails that keep clients engaged and excited to book—no awkward chasing required.

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Get the latest business tips served up daily and break free of running a cookie-cutter photography business that leaves you feel stretched thin, under valued, and lost in a sea of talented photographers. 

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